Medical Grade Copper Pipes

Mercure Metals & Alloys pressurized ACR/Med copper tubing is available in 10,12, and 20 ft. lengths, and a variety of sizes, both Type L and Type K.
Each product conforms to ASTM B-280/B-819 specifications, is specially cleaned, de-burred, purged and pressurized with nitrogen gas, and features easy to remove, installer friendly, rubber plugs.
Mercure Metals & Alloys uses modern and environment friendly aqueous degreasing system to achieve the ASTM B 280 cleanliness limit of less than 0.0035 g/sq. ft on interior surfaces.
Particularization should be given to
- Site Cleaning of tubes and components
- Pipeline gas purging during brazing.
- Use of approved filler metals and fluxes.
- Post brazing cleaning and visual inspection of all joints.
- Full compliance with pressure and containment testing, before final approval and use.