Finned Tubes

Integrally Finned - Turbo Chill Tubes/Straight Finned - Turbo Chill Tubes
Turbo Chill Tubes in straight form are available in various metals like: copper, cupro-nickel (70:30, 90:10), admiralty brass, aluminium-brass, aluminium, etc.
Turbo chill tubes in straight form are manufactured out of: 15.875 mm and 19.05 mm OD tubes
11 fins per inch (fpi), 13 fpi,14 fpi, 15 fpi, 16 fpi, 19 fpi, 23 fpi, 26 fpi, 28 fpi, 30 fpi & 40 fpi, having fin height ranging from 0.889 mm up to 4.00 mm.
Turbo-chill tubes can be manufactured up to a maximum length of 20 meters, with any number of intermediate landings (plain portion) for baffle supports, in addition to side landings.
Mercure Metals & Alloys Specializes in the production of various types of finned tubes applicable in heating or cooling transfer systems.
We have gained great reputation from our clients due to our stringent quality control standards and constant product innovations.
Finned tubes are available in straight length with plain end on both sides and also available with interim skip, as per requirement.
Fin tubes get improved heat transfer over plain tubes, thus allowing reduction in size and weight of the heat exchanger and condensers.